Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Ukraine: the Media Frontline (Listening Post, AJE)

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A compilation of Listening Post reports on the media dimensions of the Russia-Ukraine conflict – from information warfare to the crushing of dissent.

On this special edition of our programme – a timeline of our reports through 2022 on the media dimension of this conflict – from the build-up to the invasion, right through the messaging war and the global media’s news coverage.

Jan 7, 2023

Russia-Ukraine: Navigating the media minefield

As the war in Ukraine drags on, the fog of war gets denser, and nuanced reporting becomes more challenging. Plus, social media influencers tour war-torn Syria.

As the war in Ukraine hits nine months, the news output is becoming harder, not easier, to navigate.

Much of the coverage is misleading at best and dangerous at worst – and with the war showing no signs of stopping, even the term diplomacy has somehow become a dirty word.

Nov. 26, 2022


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