Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

How to cover climate change a little better (Reliable sources)

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Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter on Apple Podcasts

«The summit «is a huge news peg,» @Jon_Allsop (@CJR envoy to Glasgow) said, but reporters will need to stay on the story and see if countries «actually follow through on the pledges that they made here.» A discussion with @brianstelter @CNN



CJR at COP26: The People’s Summit, Extinction Rebellion, and the press (Jon Alsop, CJR, Nov 11, 2021)

COP26: Who do we edit out of the climate crisis? (Amanda Farrach, Nov 12, 2021)

CJR at COP26: The end of the road? (Jon Alsop, Nov 12, 2021)

‘HoloSnow’ hits the road: How C4, Times, BBC, Sun, ITV and others are covering Cop26

How UK press moved from denial to acceptance and now action on climate change

The strong winds of climate change have failed to move the opinions of many Americans

How You Can Report on the Toxic Hot Spots Near You

CJR at COP26: The unequal representation of global media at COP


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